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Mindful Movement

In order to be fully present for others, one needs to be comfortable being fully present with oneself. In order to provide the best care for others, one needs to be willing to invest in self-care first. Only when we learn how to create a peaceful state of being, in the midst of the chaos of our daily life and experiences we cannot always control, can we trust ourselves to respond appropriately to life’s challenges, including the challenges that arise in parenting/caregiving. Cultivation of equanimity, acceptance of things that cannot be changed, and taking action where change could bring about positive results – as well as developing courage to take inventory of what “is” so that a clear pathway to what “could be” could reveal itself – are just some of the benefits that practicing yoga and mindfulness will bring about. Yoga is a means of positive, conscious transformation on all levels: physical, energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual, and can be a vehicle to the unfolding of one’s full potential.


Adults practicing yoga and mindfulness will find more strength, courage, balance, focus, clarity, flexibility and equanimity on the mat as well as during the rest of their daily pursuits.


Children will develop greater body awareness and become more attuned to the messages that their body conveys; they will build concentration necessary in a school setting, and learn new ways to manage their strong feelings. Yoga provides a way for youngsters to tune out the outside distractions and tune in to their own developing body, an emerging sense of their unique self, and the commonalities within us all.

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