Creating positive change...
When asked about Play, Laugh, Learn!, participants said:
"It exceeded my expectations! It was set up incredibly well! Very fun and engaging class - the amount of toys and variety of activities was incredible! I also appreciated the variety of the popular children songs that started and ended the class. Setting kids up to a strong start can mean building stronger communities!" -Val P.
"A perfect mix of of song, story and play! Tina is an exceptional facilitator with great energy. We would certainly recommend the program!" -dad of a preschooler
"Play, Laugh, Learn outdid my expectations! Having such an outstanding array of activities and circle time opportunities were wonderful for social, educational, fine motor and pretend play development. My daughter didn't need any prompting to attend and participate. Tina is wonderful with all ages and parents alike. She not only leads a fun and beneficial circle time but floats around the room during free play to engage and capitalize on learning opportunities with every child." -Thomas M.
When asked about Yoga Play, teachers said:
"Fun ideas, good strategies for children to control their bodies and emotions. Tina engages children and holds their attention while getting them moving. Tina calms children down at the beginning of the routine, and teaches them to follow directions, take turns and learn how to use breathing exercises to calm or energize their bodies." -Donna L., Donna's Labor of Love
"Yoga has been wonderful, teachers and children are all enjoying it!" -Ascension Childcare
Student reflections on Absolute Beginners 1 series:
"Absolute Beginners series definitely fulfilled my expectations. I wanted a better understanding of yoga and exposure to different movements/postures. I appreciated going through all the basics slowly. One major takaway for me what that yoga is for everyone! It is okay to make adjustments/modifications to make it work for you." -young professional
"This five week series exceeded my expectations. I wasn't sure what to expect but really enjoyed the format of the class and learning about the theory of yoga, too. I appreciated the openness and acceptance of Tina and others in the class. One thing I've learned is to be more present and take time to focus on myself, my thoughts, feelings, emotions and to be thankful for what/who allowed me to be there each day." -mom of toddler
"This was incredible! It was so nice to be able to ask questions and to really learn and understand. I learned more than I ever expected. Tina was very thoughtful and thorough in her explanations; now I have a much better understanding of yoga - the postures and what I'm looking for in a class. I would absolutely recommend this series to others!" -school teacher
"I appreciated that the approach was slow and steady, Tina's patience and kind manner. One thing that grabbed me was how much strength is involved in flexibility!" -retired professional